Hello Westporters!
Like everyone else, we have been busy already this year. As promised, we have several things lined up for you:
April 5th will be our Semi-Annual Meeting @ St. Peter by-the-Lake. We will provide the entrees and drinks. We ask members to bring sides & desserts for dinner. Our Meeting will take place after dinner. There will be door prizes! Last names beginning with A through M, please bring side dishes, and N through Z, please bring desserts. Please RSVP so we have an idea of headcount. (jennifer-baker@charter.net)
May – In tribute to Memorial Day, we will be supporting the DAR Vesuvius Furnace efforts to place wreaths on the graves of our departed veterans and military members killed in action who are buried nearby. You can purchase a wreath in honor of your friend or family member. Link to donate.
June 8th. The duo “2 Lane” will kick off our summer concert series @ St. Peter by-the-Lake. (You may have seen this father-son duo at Sports Page or Royal Bliss.)
July 4th. It is our annual 4th of July Parade! Plan your float or entry – there will be prizes! After the parade, we will have a hotdog lunch with ice cream in the church hall. Veterans will be leading the parade and given special seating for lunch.
July 13th. John Sullivan is back for our summer concert series @ St. Peter by-the-Lake.
August 10th. Justin Mintun will also be coming back to our summer concert series @ St. Peter by-the-Lake.
We hope to see you at some or all of these events!
Jennifer Baker
WCA President
Community Events
Bunco at St. Peter By-The-Lake Join us the last Friday of each month at 6pm. Bring a covered dish and $5 to play!
Full List of March and April Community Events
Community Litter Pick-up
A big thank you to Patty Korn and the Keep Lincoln County Beautiful organization, an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful, for helping to keep Lincoln County and our Westport Community clean! Click here to read the KLCB annual report.